Lifestyle Fashion

Saturn and Shiva in Vedic astrology

In the Vedic tradition of India, the Holy Trinity of Gods are Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Sustainer and Shiva the Destroyer. Shiva, like Kali, is the deity who represents the destruction of illusion… negating anything that separates us from the truth of who we are. Whether in the Divine Game of relationship or in the personal cycles of transformation…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Narcissus and echo: the anguish of relationships with narcissists

The moving myth of Narcissus and Echo crystallizes the tragic problem of relationships with narcissists. They were Greek tragic characters in a story told by the Roman poet Ovid in Metamorphoses. Sadly, both partners are locked in a painful drama, where neither feels fulfilled or loved enough. Although it is distressing for both, the narcissist blames his partner for his…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Feng Shui: Using the Five Elements and Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls for Positive Energy

Feng Shui Tips to Attract Positive Energy with Tibetan Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging interiors, is an effective way of directing energy and, used in combination with Tibetan quartz crystal singing bowls, will help you attract positive energy and good fortune into your life. The five feng shui elements are a key factor…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Simple rules for personal health and hygiene

Have you been following a plan for your own personal hygiene, or do you get up in the morning, shower, brush and dry your hair, use the bathroom during the day, and go to bed at night? If you only do the latter, you need to plan and prepare more for your care and grooming. Today, cleanliness is considered close…

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Lifestyle Fashion

America is Potential for Hotel Hospitality Jobs

USA is potential for everything, for everyone. It is one of the fastest growing countries in the world and is also an epicenter of employment and new job opportunities. US cities are great value for great reach in all the fields we have for jobs. On a daily basis there are more than 50-100 small and medium businesses opening new…

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Lifestyle Fashion

What to Include in a Makeup Service Contract

Makeup Service Contract When you hire a makeup artist, it’s important to have a contract. It’s essential for both parties to know what is expected of them and what the terms of payment are. For instance, a contract should clearly state that payment will be in advance and that no refunds will be given if the client cancels at the…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Headaches, the cause and the solution: always consult a doctor

MIGRAINES. The cause and the cure. The most frequent forms of headaches are migraine, tension and cluster headache. The migraine theory is usually only 1 active ingredient, ergotamine, ergot alkaloid and its chemical derivatives. Over years of this medication, the pain may increase due to the ergotamine. Three phases of migraine: 1. Prephase. Sensitivity to light, visual sensation, tingling, dizziness…

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