Lifestyle Fashion

Tarot cards: good or bad?

“What are those?” My grandmother pointed to my card game. I looked at her, excited to tell her. “Tarot cards.” His eyes widened and he looked at my mother and father. “Who let you have the devil’s toys?” My mother and father looked at each other. I bought them for her. My father spoke. “And you say you are a…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Forgiveness – Philosophy or Science

Forgiveness is a wonderful act. Mystics, saints and spiritual teachings exalt their merits. Instinctively, we all know deep down that forgiveness is a positive expression of the spiritual life, but is forgiveness simply a good philosophy to live by, or does it have a higher value, a value that underscores a need, not a preference, for its expression? To forgive…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Vapor Barrier: Seven Reasons to Install Poly in Your Crawl Space

Vapor barriers are an important component of your home’s basement. But many homeowners don’t even know they need vapor barriers or install them. Installing a vapor barrier under your home can be an important tool in preventing health problems and keeping your crawlspace in good condition. Why use a vapor barrier? A vapor barrier prevents moisture in the crawlspace’s dirt…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Enter Turtle Bay: A Notable Hawaii Vacation Resort

For a truly unforgettable experience, the Turtle Bay Resort allows you to discover a part of True Hawaii. Located on the North Shore of Oahu, you’ll find miles of pristine and truly luxurious beaches. It is a place to forget about all your worries and experience the feeling of total relaxation. The north shore, known for its beautiful beaches and…

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Lifestyle Fashion

How Do You Wear Colored Contacts For Beginners?

Colored Contacts For Beginners Buying colored contacts can be fun and exciting, but before you do, you need to consider the proper way to wear them. Unlike regular contact lenses, which you can put in and take out as often as you like, colored contacts need to be replaced on a regular basis. In addition, you should never leave them…

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