Lifestyle Fashion

Self-help books for women: a great way to improve

Whether it’s boosting self-esteem, boosting confidence, losing weight, or raising children, the shelves are overflowing with self-help books for women. It is the nature of women to care, seek self-improvement and improve the lives of those they love. Therefore, a huge number of books on a wide range of topics of personal growth are aimed at the fairer sex. One…

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Lifestyle Fashion

If when you die you return to a State of Nothingness (No Memories/Consciousness)…?

Someone once asked… “If, when you die, you return to a state of nothingness (no memory/consciousness), what’s the point of doing anything in life?” As a metaphysics student and clinically trained hypnotherapist, my answer to that question is this… “Who says we come from nothing and return to nothing? We are more than a physical shell that walks around this…

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Lifestyle Fashion

What Black Men Should Know About FUE Hair Transplant Surgery

In recent years, an increasing number of men suffering from hair loss have turned to FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplantation to reliably reverse the signs of male pattern baldness. This procedure works by individually extracting hair follicles from the most abundant areas of the scalp and implanting each one in the regions where hair is lacking. Perhaps the most…

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Lifestyle Fashion

How to do facade tarot readings

For an aspiring Tarot card reader, the process of learning how to do readings can seem quite daunting. However, fear not! The path to becoming a successful tarot card reader is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Although there are numerous books and resources on how to do Facade Tarot Readings using tarot cards, the basic…

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