Health Fitness

Tips to lose weight naturally

Obesity is a growing problem and childhood obesity is fast becoming an epidemic. Being obese or overweight not only affects your self-esteem but also makes you prone to disease. Taking weight loss drugs and supplements have side effects that can cause more harm than good in the long run. Many people are searching the internet to find out how to…

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Health Fitness

Micromanaging your path to weight loss

Some things are as easy as ABCD, but losing weight isn’t one of them. People have tried different ways, different weight loss plans and different exercise regimens to lose weight and there is simply no hard and fast rule of thumb for doing it. However, I think everyone agrees that weight gain and subsequently weight loss depends on food intake…

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Health Fitness

Weight loss exercises for women

Of the two genders, men and women, women definitely get the brunt when it comes to losing weight. Women lose weight at a slower rate than men because they have slower metabolisms and tend to store more fat. I know, I know, this is unfair; a man can gobble up hotwings during a game and then play a game of…

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Health Fitness

shakeology for weight gain

Shakeology is a product typically associated with weight loss. Beachbody and his trainers generally gear it toward people looking to lose excess weight. However, could it be responsible for weight gain? To answer this question, it is important to have a basic understanding of how weight is lost or gained. In its simplest form, weight fluctuation boils down to calories…

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Health Fitness

Seaweed To Treat Fibroids: Shrink Fibroids Naturally With Diet

The apparent lack of effective treatments for women who want to shrink fibroids naturally often means women are exploring some unconventional options. One such remedy is using seaweed to treat fibroids. Some forms of seaweed have excellent nutritional qualities, and in particular, brown algae have been shown to prevent blood clots, lower cholesterol, and stop tumor growth. Additionally, animal studies…

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