Digital Marketing

Zettiology – What kind of art is that?

I recently discovered the fascinating world of Zettiology. I was curious to know what this art style really encompassed, but I had trouble finding a definition for myself. So I have looked for some clues for you to consider. Did I get it right, I wonder? Here’s what I know for sure: Zettiology is an art form based on the…

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Digital Marketing

What is the micro-brand?

What is Micro-Branding? Traditionally, the term has been defined as a local brand that serves a specific geographic location or market niche. However, the discipline has evolved to mean much more. The rapid expansion of the Internet has made it possible and sometimes necessary to classify customer groups into more specific and targeted segments. Large companies and organizations are embracing…

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Digital Marketing

Private security services for celebrities

Private security agencies play an important role in providing security services to celebrities, including world-famous politicians, movie startups, and renowned individuals from the world of arts, fashion, and sports. The lives of these celebrities are always at risk, because they always run the risk of being caught by their enemies or criminals and even by their followers around the world.…

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Digital Marketing

Make money with Instagram easily

The more accounts you create, the easier it is to earn money. However, generally you need to create at least five Instagram accounts, and it is best if you can create more. Instead, you have to run multiple Instagram accounts. There are those who want to acquire popular Instagram accounts in order to market to the followers of the account.…

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Digital Marketing

Why is it important to tell stories in business?

Good storytelling includes bringing facts to the table along with additional information that brings the reader closer to the storyteller. The goal is to weave a compelling story that engages the reader to really care about the outcome of the story. The more a customer cares about their story, the longer they will remain a customer and demonstrate brand and…

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Digital Marketing

How to migrate from WordPress to Tumblr

If, for whatever reason, you want to move your WordPress blogs to Tumblr, there are a number of ways to request it. There are even procedures that allow you to migrate everything, including your photos / images and comments. Although there is no process as easy as 1-2-3, there are steps that are quite simple to follow; steps you can…

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