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5 common disinformation tactics of so-called debunkers and ‘skeptics’

For many, many years, corporate and government sponsored media have managed to mislead the public into believing that certain falsehoods are true. Whether through television, radio, or newspapers owned and controlled … manipulation of public perception has been the key to making the sleeping masses believe almost anything: the 3 Ps; power, political gain and profit are the reasons for this, in fact the ulterior motives.

In recent years, with the advent of the internet, corporate / government proprietary controllers are having a hard time misleading the public with their lies in the media and keeping their ulterior motives at bay. Thanks to the steady rise of alternative media sites exposing hoaxes, people are slowly waking up and seeing the ‘big picture’ of what is really going on in the world.

However, to counter this, controllers continue to unleash certain disinformation tactics on the public. Many of these tactics come from so-called naysayers who make it seem like their point of view on certain issues is very compelling. Therefore, you try to trick the public into believing that what is being said is true and prevent them from asking more questions and seeing through the holes in the plot …

I wholeheartedly encourage healthy skepticism and research. However, there are certain types of skeptics who are not healthy because they only inquire about the subjects to maintain their point of view, keeping it rigid and fixed. Also, unhealthy skeptics only challenge fringe subjects. These people have been employed by the controllers to infiltrate certain important knowledge-based websites to show their rigid and fixed point of view that serves as disinformation tactics for the agenda of the hidden controllers.

I think these tactics manage to fool some, but in the long run the truth will eventually find its way to the majority …

Anyway, here are 5 of those misinformation tactics.

1. Covers only a limited point of view

Let’s say a discussion or debate is broadcast in the mainstream media. Discussion or debate is limited to only certain areas of the topic … However, this gives the illusion that all the main points are covered and anything else, any alternative point of view, is apparently not important or worth the trouble. worth following.

2. ‘Throw mud’ at those with alternative points of view

As an example, let’s say you have someone with innovative alternative points of view, an inventor with potentially human ideas contributing. Because these ideas, if updated, would undermine the main businesses of the corporate controllers, then the innovator must be stopped: so the controllers, along with so-called naysayers and skeptics, “ throw mud ” at the inventor as a attempt to prevent the inventor’s project from gaining recognition. .

The ‘throw mud’ tactics include:

to. Use point 1 above for deliberate override, even when the invention is known to work

B. Throwing personal insults at the inventor

Like, for example, criticizing the fact that the inventor is not qualified in the subject area, even when it does not matter; whether it’s from a 12-year-old schoolboy or a lifelong teacher, facts are facts, and the inventor actually knows a lot about his work …

vs. “Nuts and bolts” are rarely, if ever, spoken of with respect to the inventor’s ideas.

3. The following tactic involves the above deception; manipulate and trust the masses with their general ignorance and unwillingness to investigate anything of real importance that exposes the flaws of the debunkers and skeptics …

4. Using the constant repetition of falsehoods that have grown into truth.

This is a favorite of education and media. For example, certain words or phrases serve to program the masses into falsehoods …

4. Use of ridiculous statements

Deliberately making ridiculous statements; stating publicly that there are those who believe these things. The effect is to throw an insult at a particular group, but they (the group) don’t actually believe it! For example, I heard a ridiculous statement the other day from so-called naysayers / skeptics that there are people interested in natural health who believe that coconut oil cures cancer.

No natural health expert believes this … but according to Tactic 3 (above), some of the ignorant masses will accept that it does, and thus misinformation has worked to invalidate natural health and its advocates. Controllers know that natural health is an effective way to fight disease, but it is a threat because it is cheap and can undermine your medical / pharmaceutical business.

5. Secret infiltration, takeover and control of media information sources

There are certain well-known information websites that have taken the neutral point of view for many years, but in recent years they have been increasingly secretly infiltrated by naysayers and skeptics with ulterior motives.

All in all

The purpose of writing this is to help the reader learn to discern misinformation from the truth. Learn that the controllers with their so-called naysayers and ‘skeptics’ have a game here and the truth has been overridden by power, political gain and profit and if not recognized you could become a victim and ‘point of view’ false.

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